• Lift the remote and the screen will light up • Press the Watch TV button on the top left-side of the remote
Turn On TV
To adjust the volume: • Press the VOL button on the left of the remote
Change Your Channle
• Press Guide button to display the programs • Use the arrows on the CH button to move up and down in the program guide OR • Type in the desired channel number directly on the keypad. • Press the OK button at the center of the remote.
Apple Tv
• Press the Listen To Music button • The TV and the Apple TV lights will light up. • Use the Apple TV remote to proceed.
Watch A Movie
• Press the Watch A Movie button • The TV and the Blueray will light up. • Use the TV remote to proceed.
Turn Off TV
To close the TV, the Apple TV and the Blueray: • Press the ALL OFF button on the top left-side of the remote
For more troubleshooting options: • Press the HELP button on the top middle of the remote • Follow the instructions on the screen of the remote